Communication and Brand

Be it, do it, say it.


When brands talk about sustainability, they are always under general suspicion. Sustainability communication is often characterized by the fear of making mistakes and falling into the greenwashing trap. It's critical that companies find a way to be open and honest about their sustainability efforts without compromising their credibility. By focusing on authenticity, concrete actions and transparent reporting, they can gain the trust of stakeholders and consolidate their role as responsible actors.


Brand Strategy

Sustainability can be a driver of your brand equity. Those who take sustainability seriously and see it as part of their own identity should also seize the opportunities it offers in terms of market positioning and brand reputation. We help you integrate sustainability into your brand strategy so that you can fully exploit communication potential.

  • Brand Positioning & Brand Purpose
  • Brand Architecture
  • Sustainability Story
  • Employer Branding
  • Brand Collaboration
Brand Appearance

Brand Appearance reflects the identity of a brand. Above all, it has to do one thing: differentiate company and product brands from the competition. In order to leave strong impressions, you need a unique visual and verbal identity that creates a consistent and recognizable brand image – with the greatest possible flexibility in application.

  • Brand Design
  • Iconography / Imagery  
  • Verbal Identity / Brand Language
  • Naming and Claim
Communication Strategy

Your sustainability strategy has been defined and your brand positioned accordingly – the path is now clear for credible communication, both internally and externally. In line with our motto 'Be it, do it, say it', we work with you to develop a clear and future-oriented communication strategy. Our goal is to effectively highlight your commitment to sustainability and get the attention it deserves.

  • Target Groups
  • Key Messages
  • Sustainability story
  • Service Provider Supervision
  • Accompanying Implementation


Employee Engagement

Sustainability is not a function, but at best part of the corporate culture. The involvement and activation of all employees is crucial for the successful implementation of your sustainability strategy. We develop the appropriate formats and content to carry your sustainability issues into the smallest branches of the organization and to each individual employee.

  • Sustainability Initiatives for Participation
  • Sustainability Awareness and Training
  • Internal Sustainability Communication
Stakeholder Dialogue

Regular stakeholder dialogue is essential for sustainability management. To effectively promote sustainable practices, it is crucial not only to understand the perspectives, objections and concerns of all stakeholders, but also to actively include them in the decision-making processes. We would like to take these important first steps with you together to establish a constructive dialogue.

  • Stakeholder Mapping 
  • Stakeholder Engagement 
  • Feedback Mechanisms 
  • Monitoring and Evaluation 
Brand Partnerships and Collaborations

Partnerships are crucial for brands but must be chosen carefully to ensure both credibility and a consistent sustainability story. With our expertise in sponsorship consulting, we help you find the ideal partner for your brand and work together effectively.



Your Point of Contact:

Philipp Schär

Philipp Schär

Managing Partner

Telefon: +49 151 54035800




  • Corporate Strategy

    Traditional strategy development is reaching its limits. There is a need for corporate strategies "for sustainability".

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  • Sustainability Strategy

    Guided by well-defined strategy, we support your journey from materiality analysis to sustainability program.

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  • Sustainability Management

    To meet sustainability targets, right tools of the trade are crucial. Practical, goal-oriented, and pragmatic.

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  • ESG Rating Management

    ESG factors influence corporate success. We professionalize your ESG rating management together with you.

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  • CSRD Management

    Identification of material issues for double materiality and sustainability strategies with concrete goals and measures.

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  • Supply Chain Due Diligence

    Due diligence in the supply chain is relevant for every organization, as different stakeholders are making ever higher demands.

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  • EU

    Gain a strategic benefit for the future viability of your company from the collection and documentation of relevant data.

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  • Sustainability Academy

    Reaching people and inspiring them to new ideas – with our range of trainings, moderations, keynotes and excursions.

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  • Especially for Start-Ups

    We specifically support start-ups in the development and implementation of sustainable business models.

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