Sustainability Strategy


Guardrails for responsible action

Understanding how one's own company can contribute to societal needs can make the difference between economic success and failure. Sustainability and corporate responsibility (CR) have become a strategic determinant with an impact on core business and corporate culture. The sustainability strategy sets the guard rails for your corporate responsibility activities. It has a medium- to long-term impact and is closely interlinked with the overarching corporate strategy. In line with the maturity of your organization, we work with you to design tailored strategies for your success and sustainable benefits for society.

Vision & Mission

To set the guard rails for your sustainability strategy, it makes sense to take a look at your own mission and vision. What do you do, for which purpose and how? What do you want to achieve and what does society gain from it? What makes your company special and why should people believe you? The mission becomes the common denominator internally, the vision your promise externally. We support you in precisely elaborating, examining and formulating your understanding of sustainability. In this way, we create the basis for a differentiated positioning.

Environmental Analysis

The environment analysis shows how your company and its previous sustainability commitment are positioned in the market along your value chain. We define the key environmental and social challenges in your core markets and the associated expectations of your stakeholders. You receive an assessment of which requirements, expectations and topics are relevant to your core business today and in the future. What is already measurable, what developments are noticeable in the industry and what is on the horizon? What are the risks and opportunities? We provide you with a radar to keep an eye on sustainability aspects along value chains of individual products or services.

Stakeholder Analysis

It is important to know your stakeholders and their influence on your business well. Who are your stakeholders internally and externally? What expectations regarding sustainability and corporate responsibility do these stakeholders have? Who is skeptical of you and who is deliberately working against you? How much influence do individual groups or people actually have? We support you in creating and evaluating an appropriate "stakeholder map" as a basis for developing a sustainability strategy that takes into account the most important people, groups and opinions right from the start.

Materiality Analysis

The aim of the materiality analysis is to set the right thematic focus for your sustainability and CR activities, both internally and externally, and to meet the requirements of a sustainability report in accordance with GRI. In several sub-steps, we work with you to determine whether and how global challenges for sustainable development affect your core business, what stakeholder expectations go hand in hand with this, and what this means for your strategic and operational derivations. We are guided in particular by the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Benchmark Analysis

Your competitors operate in the same environment as you and face the same challenges and opportunities. To differentiate yourself from your competitors, it is important to understand them. Only then can you position yourself clearly and stand out in the perception of your stakeholders. We support you not only with competitor analyses, but also with the definition of your specific ambition profile in differentiation to your competitors.

Strategic Framing

Together we define the strategic framework for your sustainability program. We set the guardrails on the way to realizing your goals in the areas of products & services, value chain and development of the business environment. Since strategy development must always be customized, we tailor our concepts and methods to your company.

Strategic Goals

To enable you to successfully implement your strategy, we work with you to define short, medium and long-term goals. These are based on the external framework conditions, expected dynamics and the performance of your organization. Ideally, we formulate measurable key performance indicators (KPIs) or qualitative target corridors to help you manage them.



Your Point of Contact:


Dr. Alexis Katechakis

Dr. Alexis Katechakis

Managing Director

Phone: +49 151 19184526





  • Corporate Strategy

    Traditional strategy development is reaching its limits. There is a need for corporate strategies "for sustainability".

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  • Sustainability Management

    To meet sustainability targets, right tools of the trade are crucial. Practical, goal-oriented, and pragmatic.

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  • Sustainable Innovation

    With the Fraunhofer IVV we have invented a new innovation management process: the Sustainable Innovation Process.

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  • ESG Rating Management

    ESG factors influence corporate success. We professionalize your ESG rating management together with you.

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  • CSRD Management

    Identification of material issues for double materiality and sustainability strategies with concrete goals and measures.

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  • Supply Chain Due Diligence

    Due diligence in the supply chain is relevant for every organization, as different stakeholders are making ever higher demands.

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  • EU

    Gain a strategic benefit for the future viability of your company from the collection and documentation of relevant data.

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  • Sustainability Academy

    Reaching people and inspiring them to new ideas – with our range of trainings, moderations, keynotes and excursions.

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  • Especially for Start-Ups

    We specifically support start-ups in the development and implementation of sustainable business models.

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