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 | 22-09-2023


No Return on Investment without biodiversity – How can an asset manager contribute to improving biodiversity?



Understand biodiversity as the basis for ROI in all asset classes

An international asset manager specializes in developing and managing individual and tailor-made investment solutions for institutional clients in the asset classes real estate, infrastructure, fixed income, multi-asset and equities.
The topic of biodiversity is becoming increasingly important in all of these five asset classes, as it has been neglected by the players in these various asset classes for too long – even though entire industries are dependent on ecosystem services that are not affordable without an intact environment. Ecosystem services include so-called providing, regulating, supporting and cultural services. The economic value of all these ecosystem and biodiversity services is estimated at €40,000,000,000,000 annually, equal to half of global GDP.


Biodiversity deep dive for the ESG team

As part of an ESG week, employees of the international asset manager were to be made fit for various ESG topics. A particular focus was on the 10-strong ESG team: In special two-hour deep dive sessions, they were to be given so much knowledge that they were able to pass it on within the company.



Identification of levers for the conservation of biodiversity in different asset classes  

The Biodiversity Deep-Dive Session offered a combination of knowledge impulses and interactive elements. It explained to the ESG team what biodiversity has to do with the business model of the international asset manager and what levers exist for the company’s asset classes and for the employees. In addition, possible next steps for implementation were highlighted.
Four weeks after the Biodiversity Deep Dive Session, a two-hour follow-up took place, which was intended to promote the implementation of new measures and projects in the biodiversity focus topics and gave room for joint reflection and the exchange of experiences and observations.

“Investors have now recognized their responsibility to protect ecosystem services. What is largely missing is the necessary internal know-how and dedicated implementation strategies that are also practicable for larger portfolios. With the launch of TNFD in September 2023, we will be one step closer to that.” Hendrik Leue, Senior Advisor Sustainable Finance

“The issue of biodiversity is becoming more and more important in the core business of companies. The new reporting obligations also require industry to take a stand on how it uses our natural resources and how it can contribute to their preservation and, if necessary, their renaturation. About 20 indices can help to assess your own impact. It is important to identify the right priorities and implement them.” Dr. Alexis Katechakis, biologist and Managing Partner



Your Point of Contact:


Hendrik Leue

Hendrik Leue

Senior Consultant

Mobile: +49 151 74270767
E-mail: hendrik.leue@fors.earth