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 | 14-09-2023


ART AND CLEAR EDGE: Marine conservation in the spotlight

Visitor looking at the painting “Sea Ice” © fors.earth / Photographer: Kilian Blees


In this section we usually publish descriptions of our customer projects. We describe the challenges that our customers face, illuminate questions they ask us, show possible solutions and describe the impact of carrying out a specific sustainability measure or implementing a sustainability strategy. In this case, we describe our own efforts to address and promote marine protection issues.


Inspire domestic economic actors to protect the seas

For some time now, we at and as fors.earth have been trying to draw attention to the protection of the oceans and to sensitize commercial companies to their responsibility towards the oceans. The main initiator was our former Managing Partner and doctor of marine biology, Dr. Alexis Katechakis, for whom the oceans are a subject close to his heart. It is thanks to his commitment that fors.earth is the only consulting company to be a business partner of the UN OCEAN DECADE (“United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development”).



Art as a door opener

At fors.earth we like to change perspectives and try out new things.
Because Alexis Katechakis has infected many of our colleagues with his passion for the oceans and we share his attitude that we as a company should also be committed to protecting them in the future, we decided to share this passion in an emotional way. With an event. And what appeals better to the heart and senses than art?
The fact that our offices in Munich lead off a long, white hallway played into our hands. Ideal conditions for the presentation of art-works. We contacted the Munich artist Vicky A. Lardschneider, who had already discussed sustainability in previous works. She immediately agreed to provide us with pictures that fit the theme and even made some especially for us. In the end, we had 12 large-format acrylic paintings that impressively captured the motto SEA PROTECTION – the wonders and fragility of the oceans on canvas.

Vicky A. Lardschneider: "Minus 800" (80 x 80 cm)

Vicky A. Lardschneider: "Bioluminescence" (120 x 160 cm)

And because, in addition to presenting art, we also wanted to do some straight talking – as it was about using clear words to shake people up and inspire them at the same time – the name of our event was obvious: ART AND CLEAR EDGE (KUNST UND KLARE KANTE). We embedded the vernissage, each with two guided tours, in a sustainable supporting program.

Prof. Dr. Karin Lochte in conversation with Dr. Alexis Katechakis © fors.earth / Photographer: Kilian Blees



100 people, one mission: Together for marine protection

On March 16, 2023 we welcomed 100 guests – a wonderful mix of customers and colleagues, family & friends, familiar companions and unknown interested parties. The goal: to bring people from all walks of life together. The hope: the more diverse the audience, the better. The result: art with depth, the presentation of innovative solutions and creative ideas, conversations that lingered for a long time. Why did this work so well? Art stimulates our senses in a different way than mere facts, art goes deeper, art "does" something to us. The combination of an eye-opening conversation between Dr. Alexis Katechakis and Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Karin Lochte, paired with company presentations from everwave, koralo and CargoKite, completed by an experience space with 3D glasses from the XR HUB Munich featuring CYAN PLANET resulted in an inspiring, happy evening, brilliantly captured by our long-time companions of forstory:



Let’s get serious!

Anyone who knows us also knows our claim: We work for those who are serious. We also have this claim on ourselves as a company. We are serious about marine conservation. That's why we met again shortly after the event to initiate projects and developed a specific range of services. We will do everything we can to actively promote marine protection in the economy. We would also be happy to support our customers in setting up their own event similar to ART AND CLEAR EDGE. Please contact us for more information!

© fors.earth / Photographer: Kilian Blees



Your Contact Person:


Julia Winderlich

Media Relations

Phone: +49 175 11 94 104
E-mail: julia.winderlich@fors.earth